The religion is the perfect means – and this is most important – the perfect means of making certain that Jews will be persecuted. It must be realized that the Jews’ success depends on their cunning in having themselves “persecuted.”
By perpetually whining that they are a poor, helpless, persecuted minority, they effectively disguise their real power and their success in wrapping their tentacles about their victims, and by exciting the pity of soft-hearted and soft-headed goyim, they can use those goyim as weapons against the others.
By establishing a reputation for being persecuted for their religion by awfully wicked pagans, they can make it seem that they, poor innocents, are suffering for their piety whenever their depredations and malevolence have so exasperated their victims that the latter try by legislation or violence to free themselves from the aliens who are exploiting and oppressing them.
Their expertise in superstition has always given the “God-people,” as the Jews like to call themselves, the ability to influence and divert native religions for their own benefit. Since such work is done covertly through Marranos and dupes, we can only suspect Jewish influence in many religious civil wars without being able to prove it. It is, for example, historically certain that when Cyrus the Great undertook the conquest of the Babylonian Empire, the Jews in that nation operated, as they always do, as agents of subversion to weaken and betray their hosts, and that after Cyrus captured Babylon without a prolonged siege and fighting, he repaid the Jews for their good work, which had spared the lives of many of his soldiers, and (as many another conqueror was to do later) rewarded them for their betrayal of his enemies with special privileges. The Jews, according to their traditions, flattered the triumphant goy by calling him their christ, and probably rubbed their hands together in glee as they prepared to use those privileges to exploit the natives of various regions in the expanding Persian Empire, including eventually the native Egyptians, as we have learned from the Jewish papyri found at Elephantine. We may reasonably infer that the Jews stealthily opened the gates of Babylon to the Persians, so that Cyrus could take the strongly walled city without fighting, but we can only conjecture what contributions they made to the agitation and demoralization of the Babylonians that weakened the Empire before the Persians invaded it. The tale of the fall of Babylon in the Jews’ story-book is, of course, an impressive fiction, probably composed almost four hundred years after the event by an author who did not even know the name of the last king of Babylon, who was Nabonidus (= Nabu-na’id), and evidently a great benefactor of the Jews, who naturally knifed the sucker in the back when they had a chance to do so. There may be some truth, however, in the Jews’ tradition that their hatred of the Babylonians was given a religious coloring, and the ranting attributed to Isaiah as well as parts of the tale called “Daniel” may preserve a memory of religious agitation carried out by the Jews in Babylon. Now one major cause of Nabonidus’s difficulties was what amounted to a religious civil war in his domains, ostensibly between votaries of Sin and the votaries of Marduk, carried out with a ferocious fanaticism that seems strange among peoples long accustomed to polytheism, even though some of them are Semitic by race. And there is evidence that some (we know not whether few or many) of the votaries of Marduk were peddling a kind of monotheism, claiming that he was the only (good?) god and that other gods were merely aspects of him. The Jews, of course, never hesitate to promote whatever god is useful to them (e.g., Sebazius in Rome and Osiris in Egypt during the second century B.C.) in manipulating goyim, and we may suspect that they were meddling with the Babylonian religion as well as contributing in all probability to the economic depression and inflation in Nabonidus’s realm – but, so far as I know, we have no proof. The same is true of many later events in history.
Although a few obscurities remain, the origin and evolution of Christianity is now well known, but the subject is far too complex for full exposition here. We may note, however, one stage in that evolution, the Protestant Reformation, which was, if considered historically, a terrible calamity that drenched the streets and fields of Europe with much of the best blood of our race, impoverishing it genetically, while the Jews watched gleefully and profited enormously from both sides and, with the fragmentation of Protestantism, all sides. Now many causes contributed to that disaster, but if we try to identify one single incident that triggered the explosion, we must fix on the cleverness of the Jews in Florence, when, in 1485, they bamboozled and exploited Giovanni Pico, Count della Mirandola and titular Prince of Concordia, extracting enormous sums from the too wealthy young man while filling his vigorous, but adolescent, mind with Kabbalistic hocus-pocus, telling him it was the true essence of Christianity. From Pico the clue leads directly to Reuchlin, Pfefferkorn, Luther (who was tactfully guided by his helpful Jewish friends until late in his life, when he perceived how they had used him), Ulrich von Hutten, and the ghastly Wars of Religion that convulsed Europe for three centuries. It would be absurd to claim that the catastrophe was the result of a Jewish plot, but it is legitimate to pose the question to what extent Jewish intrigues and manipulations contributed to it. That is a problem that could be the Hauptwerk of a diligent and objective historian willing to devote his life to the requisite research.