The Aryan Foundations of Christianity |
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Liberal theologians preach that Christianity sprang from Judaism. However, the religion of the Jews preaches the philosophy of “Never Forgive – Never Forget” and “vengeance against one’s foes.” This is the exact opposite of the love and forgiveness which are principal doctrines of Christianity. For some reason, the influence of the ancient Aryan Odinist religion is never studied in our schools or churches, despite Christianity’s adoption of its major feast days.
Christmas: The Catholic Encyclopedia states that no-one knows the true date of the birth of Jesus Christ. The Roman Sun God’s birthday was December 25. This celebrated the lengthening daylight which begins on December 21 – the Winter Solstice or beginning of winter. The Christians, seeking to convert believers in the sun god, chose that date for the birth of Christ.
Easter: The ancient Aryans celebrated the beginning of spring on March 25 when the first full moon occurred. This symbolized the growth of grass, leaves, crops – life itself. The Christians, not knowing the exact date of Christ’s crucifixion, chose the first Sunday after first full moon to be Easter, the day Christ rose from the dead – back to life. The Aryan Odinist religion called this day Eastra, after their god Eastra (called by the Germans Ostara), the goddess of spring and new life. Baby bunnies and chicks were Eastra’s special animals because they symbolized new life and fertility. It was said that “She resurrected the dead world with new greenery.” Such animals were given to children at Easter until just a few years ago. Thus the Christians named this the date of an ascended Christ. |
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St. Valentine’s Day: is celebrated on February 14. This is the very same date as the pre-Christian Odinist Feast of Vali (or Valens, the origin of the word Valentine). The Catholic church chose this day to honour a mythical priest who was killed because he said that no marriage was valid unless it was performed in a church. He was canonized a Saint, thus we have St. Valentine’s Day. However, in earlier centuries it was the Feast of Vali or Feast of Valens.
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Holloween, All Saints’ Day and All Souls Day fall on October 31, November 1 and November 2 respectively. Halloween means “Hallowed Evening.” According to Christian folklore, ‘All Hallows’s eve’ was a day of vigil, fasting and prayer to avoid evil. October 31 is the day devils, demons and ghosts were especially active. They roamed about seeking to seduce the unwary. Then comes All Saints’ Day on November 1 which honours all of the Saints of the Church. This replaced the ancient Aryan feast day which honoured great and esteemed heroes and other benefactors of the community. Their fame was to last as long as human memory. Catholics pray to the Saints on this day to intercede for them. When this was the ancient Aryan Odinist holiday, they prayed to their departed heroes to return and combat present evils. These are the same emotions in a different context. |
The next day, November 2, is All Souls Day and Catholics pray for family members and friends who have died. During the time of the Aryans, they used this day to honour ancestors who created their family bloodline.
On the eve of February 14, the Aryans held a lottery for all bachelors and unmarried females. Names were drawn and matched with a partner whom they would go with for a year to see if they were compatible. This was a way of encouraging men to marry instead of remaining single. In the year 46 BC Caesar changed the calendar to provide for a Leap Year Day once every four years (to adjust for the missing time in the 365 day year). On this day women could propose marriage to the man of their choice. This is how Valentine’s Day and Leap Year Day became known as the joining of two hearts in love and marriage.
Sunday is Sun’s Day, named after the Aryan sun god. Monday is Moon’s Day, and the word month, are named after the moon’s cycle of about 29½ days. Tuesday is Tiw’s Day. Tiw was the only god brave enough to feed Odin’s ferocious wolf Fenrir. Wednesday is Woden’s Day (or Wotan or Odin). The skyfather, ruler of Valhalla and king of all gods. Thursday is Thor’s Day, the god of thunder, lightning and rain, worshipped by farmers. Friday is Frey’s Day, son of Odin and god of the defensive fighter. |
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Saturday is Seterne’s Day, the ancient Briton’s god of the working man. In Rome he was Saturn, the god of agriculture. On Seterne’s Day the worker “laid himself down to rest.” In fact, this seventh day of rest is a tradition which dates back to ancient Sumeria. This was the world’s first civilization and came into existence hundreds of years before the birth of Moses.
Thus we find that ancient Aryan White Race folklore and religions are a large part of the origin of the Christian faith. Even our days of the week are all named after ancient Aryan gods. ‘Khazar Judaism’ contributed very little to today’s Christianity.
From The Truth At Last, Issue 410