Robert FAURISSON | 19 June 2001 |
Revisionists Hunted in Europe |
This very day, Serge Thion is being tried in Paris while Vincent Reynourd appears under summons before a female examining magistrate in Limoges. I myself have received from Michel Favre, examining magistrate in Fribourg (Switzerland), notification of his ruling pronouncing me guilty of violating the Swiss anti-revisionist law by having written a revisionist article, and sentencing me to one month’s imprisonment without remission. The piece in question appear in a booklet published in August 2000 by the association “Vérité et Justice” (CP 355, CH 1618 Châtel Saint Denis, Switzerland). The three persons in charge of that association are currently facing legal proceedings which will allow them to be heard in court.
For my part I had not been informed of any proceedings against me. The examining magistrate had not apprised me of or alerted me about anything. He neither summoned me nor heard me. He has, if one may put it thus, convicted me by correspondence. Some will be astonished by this manner of process. They are unaware that when it is a matter of stifling those who arouse the wrath of Jewish or Zionist organisations, there is no longer any place for trust, nor law, nor right. Those whom such organisations call, as the case may require, “Holocaust deniers,” “war criminals,” “criminals against humanity,” or perhaps “Palestinian terrorists” have been forced to learn this.
Our Fribourg judge seems to me to be less deceitful than French justices like Simone Rozès, Pierre Drai or Françoise Simon who notify me, summon me to appear, pretend to listen to me, and convict me, whatever case I make in my defence. Tomorrow, by registered letter, I shall inform Michel Favre of my intention not to appeal against his ruling; I am prepared to hand myself over to the Canton of Fribourg with a view towards serving my sentence. Had I the forthrightness to challenge the decision and to appear in a Swiss court I should receive the same treatment as the Swiss revisionists before me; first, notice would be given that any defence of a revisionist character would constitute a repetition of my offence; then my counsel would only be able to use quibbling arguments and plead mitigating circumstances; finally, any witness who gave testimony as to the substance of the case – in a word, historical reality – would, upon demand of the prosecution service, himself be immediately charged. My prison sentence would then run to twelve or fifteen months and the fines and costs would amount to considerable sums of money. As for availing myself of the protection of my French nationality, it would be useless even to consider such a prospect: the French authorities in their attempts to please the Grand Sanhedrin would cooperate with Switzerland as I have seen them work against me with a Dutch court in the Anne Frank case. Besides, I no longer have the time, nor the money, nor the strength for these judicial marathons condemned to failure.
In Switzerland as in France and a good number of other countries in the world, Jewish organisations have, through continuous pressure, obtained the passage of special laws that allow the prosecution of those who do not believe the kosher version of the history of the Second World War, and its genocide of the Jews and its Nazi gas chambers (not to be confused with the crematoria oven whose existence and usefulness in camps ravaged by epidemics are contested by no-one). Against sceptics in France – and the expression of mere doubt constitutes an offence – the Fabius-Gayssot Act of 13 July 1990 provides for a prison term of from one month to a year, a fine of from 2,000 to 300,000 francs and still other penalties. In Switzerland, an identical law has been applied with rigour since 1995. Naturally these laws are impudently labelled “anti-racist” by their authors and enforcers.
For the reader’s information I ought well to point out here that, like my other revisionist articles, the piece that has earned me a conviction today was of the same spirit as the sixty-word sentence that I pronounced in December 1980 in an interview with Ivan Levaï on the Europe 1 radio network: “The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle, the main beneficiaries of which are the state of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people – BUT NOT THEIR LEADERS – and the Palestinian people in their entirety.”
In his jargon, our so-called examining judge in the land of the “glacious Swiss” (Cèline) says that, as he sees things, “a favourable prognosis cannot be pronounced.” He means that no penance or repentance can be expected of me. Here for once is a clear-sighted judge! He must know that ten physical assaults and a stream of convictions in the courts, writs of seizure, a recent police search of my house, a professional ban, torrents of slander in the national and foreign press (particularly Le Monde, the oblique daily) have had the sole effect of fortifying my determination, and all the more since, as far as scientific argumentation is concerned, we are still in the same situation as on 21 February 1979 when in precisely the aforementioned paper a “historians’ declaration” amounted to a statement that no-one was capable of answering me on the subject of the Nazi gas chambers.
I shall carry on my revisionist Intifada all the way to prison.
NB. In Lyon, the campaign conducted by Jewish organisations against the Universities of Lyon II and III has been so virulent that, one after another, the officers of those institutions see no course of action but to grovel before them, thus offering a spectacle of the most disgraceful submission. For example, Jean Plantin has been summoned by the president of the University of Lyon III to appear again before the jury which, eleven years ago, had awarded him the mention “Très Bien” for a master’s thesis on Paul Rassinier. The Jewish organisations and those who follow their lead are demanding the invalidation of the thesis, hence of the degree. In so acting, the president invokes neither law, nor regulation, nor administrative tenet. Nothing finer was ever devised in the Kingdom of the Absurd.
Recently, Jean-Louis Berger has been barred from the secondary teaching corps and Serge Thion excluded from the CNRS.
Registered letter addressed to Michel Favre
I had never been notified, either by you or by any judicial authority of your country, of the start of legal proceedings against me. I note that, in the secrecy of your chambers, without having heard me, you have just sentenced me to a term of one month’s imprisonment and ordered me to pay 230 Swiss francs in “court costs.”
Your penal ruling of 15 June 2001 was delivered to me yesterday, 19 June. I am prepared to hand myself over to the Canton of Fribourg with a view towards serving my sentence. You must inform me as quickly as possible of the place and date of my incarceration.
I shall be keen to see your face, if possible.
Robert Faurisson
Vichy, Wednesday 20 June 2001
On the eve of the “liberation celebrations” on 25 April 1995, Reinhold Elstner, a retired 75 year old chemist-engineer and Wehrmacht veteran, walked up the steps of the Feldherrnhalle – Germany’s “Hall of Heroes” – there to douse himself with a flammable liquid and set himself on fire. Attempts by bystanders to rescue him failed. Twelve hours later he was dead.
This is part of the note he left.
“Fifty years of unrelenting smear campaigns and demonization of an entire people are enough.
Fifty years of incessant insults hurled at German war veterans are enough.
At the age of 75, not much is left for me to do, but perhaps through my act of self-immolation, I can give a clarion call and set one visible example of reflection.
If even one single German wakes up and finds his way back to the truth, my self-sacrifice will not have been in vain.”