The purpose of the Psychic Assault is to confound the male, because the confused and disoriented male is easier to manipulate. It is one of many procedures females execute personally but with considerable benefit to females in general (Compound Benefit). When subjected to this procedure the male can become trapped in a cycle from which he cannot escape: The neurotic male further empowers the female, and thus a reinforcing cycle is established. However the Psychic Assault can induce not just neurosis but psychosis, and expressions of this procedure via the mass media is suggested as a potential origin of the modern phenomenon of spree and serial killers.

Promoting miscegenaton on the cover of British TV guides, 24,26 February 1996 Promoting miscegenaton on the cover of British TV guides, 24,26 February 1996 Promoting miscegenaton on the cover of British TV guides, 24,26 February 1996 Promoting miscegenaton on the cover of British TV guides, 24,26 February 1996
British TV magazines, week 15-21 June 2002

  1. The Psychic Assault is a political manoeuvre. The female manipulates the male into a position where she could have sex but refrains from doing so.
  2. She maintains and perpetuates the male in a state of arousal or false expectation.
  3. She scores points to bolster and satisfy her ego.
  4. She evokes images of granting sexual favours to another (the more perverse her selection, for these purposes, the better) but grants them to the male or males in her audience either rarely or never.
  5. She quits from a male suddenly or prematurely, because she prefers to Assault rather than engage in a proper relationship.
  6. She grants and withdraws sexual favours to a male with whom she is involved in a relationship without logic or reason.

The Dutch State promoting miscegenaton in 1995
‘If you put something on, I’ll take something off...’ National state-sponsored advertising campaign for condom use, Holland 1995.

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