Explanatory notes:
- ZOG: The Zionist Occupation Government, the current regime.
- Exterminationist: Someone who believes in the “Holocaust.”
- Bread and Circuses: During the Roman occupation of Britain the Romans concluded that the populace only needed bread and the occasional circus to keep them content and remove practically all risk of rebellion.
- Blonking: A cameraman’s term for putting Blacks on camera, as is evident in contemporary TV.
- Rip-rap: rip-off rap; so desperate are they to put Blacks in front of a microphone even those who can’t sing are so privileged. People are actually paying money for this rubbish, yet further evidence of the enormous influence of the mass media.
- Lib-lab-con: E.g. (in Britain) Liberal-Labour-Conservative pseudo-politics, in which each party says essentially the same thing, because all serve the same criminal masters.
- All that tricky legislation: In all cases written and pushed into law by Jews.