Magritte, The Harvest, La moisson    

The Science of Sex

Forms and Indicators of Female Influence

Section 29 of

The Tyranny of Ambiguity

M33DJG: Male, 33, Dutch with Japanese Girlfriend

FEMINATION AND MASCULINATION. Two kinds of female influence are defined: femination is the influence of a female on an individual male while feminization is the collective influence of females on males. The feminated male is sexually sated; femination makes him feel more masculine. Thus the feminated male will be more aggressive, in general, than the feminized.

A male who is subject to the collective influence of females but who has no physical relationship with one is feminized but unfeminated. A male who has a sexual relationship with a female which is dominated and controlled by her will be only partially feminated. One effect of feminization without femination appears to be an elevated awareness of others in the immediate vicinity.

Table 8. Male Categorizations and Stereotypes

Feminized and feminated Devoted and dutiful husband  
Feminized and unfeminated Unattached male Serial killer
Unfeminized and feminated Macho bully boy  
Unfeminized and unfeminated Isolated male Spree killer

Females are correspondingly masculinated and/or masculinized. Again, the masculinated female is sexually sated.

FORMS AND INDICATORS OF FEMALE INFLUENCE. Several of the following characteristics, such as those involving rapidity of response, originate from females being physically weaker than males and have evolved to compensate for that deficiency. Other behaviours derive from females projecting their nature onto males.

  1. Moving slowly, especially when approaching someone.
  2. Having to wait for the right time to ask or say something.
  3. Conversation or activity pauses when another conversation or minor event takes place.
  4. Development of personal relations (however superficial) among business colleagues.
  5. Singularity of relationships. Disloyalty. Falling in and out of favour.
  6. Disruption of business affairs due to breakdowns in social relationships. Arrangements and projects failing because of such breakdowns and not because the objective (at least, the stated objective) has changed (Diversionary Purpose).
  7. Atmospherics, that is, walking into a room or office and sensing that the atmosphere has changed by one’s presence. Over-attentiveness to others; empathic airs.
  8. Cosy atmospheres; smiling during any conversation.

    COMPULSIVE SMILING. Often, people would break into a smile the instant a conversation started. A conscious act was required to stop oneself responding similarly and one did not always succeed. The smile could persist in the most unlikely circumstances. Two examples are given: firstly some severely handicapped youngsters were interviewed on Dutch TV and secondly a woman seated on the back of another cycle accidentally brushed against mine and fell off, practically bouncing along the road on her backside. In both these cases the continuous smiles and exaggerated affability were hardly perturbed throughout. Synchronizing with individuals displaying this manner was compulsive and could only be resisted by the most determined act of will. Smiling all the time is a defence mechanism, raising the cost of disturbance of the cosy environment so created.

  9. Agreeing with everything someone says, or presuming that by an association with a person one does so (guilt by association).
  10. Increased imitation. Perhaps the most basic examples are girl-children pushing toy prams and playing with dolls, and boys playing soldiers. Typical female imitation is randomly pushing buttons until an apparatus shows some semblance of working (or stopping working, if that is desired).
  11. Prevalence of Affectionate Farewells. The origin of exaggerated displays of affection on parting is the female signalling most strongly at the very moment when sex can no longer take place (Proposition 7). The most despicable form of the Affectionate Farewell however is praising someone who has materially contributed to society, in terms of its happiness or advancement, only after they have died. Only when it is too late for them to be given any real benefit in acknowledgment of their contribution is it recognized as such.
  12. Less physical sex.
  13. Increased monogamy.
  14. Intensification of male breeding competition.
  15. Preferential selection by females of docile males and males expressing other female characteristics. (Miscellaneous examples of males expressing female characteristics are a father’s attitude ‘No man is good enough for my daughter,’ or a younger male derogating a female as an ‘easy lay.’ Both are cases of males increasing the cost of sex, which is a female characteristic.)
  16. Miscegenation and ensuing degeneration in human genetic diversity.

    SURVEY 2. This survey was undertaken to try and confirm my subjective impression that taking a partner of alien race was a female characteristic.

    During the provisional survey 22 White Female, Coloured Male couples and 8 White Male, Coloured Female couples were counted. Of the 22 WFCM, 12 followed what I regarded as the stereotypical pattern, that of a White Female, Negro Male. The duration of this first survey, really only intended to check the design of the subsequent survey, was 60 minutes.

    Thereafter the survey proper took place on seven Saturday afternoons on the Nieuwendijk. For the subject couples, just walking together was not enough: I had to be reasonably assured that they were partners and this was established by the observation of certain subtle signals. In this culture walking together probably meant that something was going on, but for this purpose walking together was not enough. If there were mutual sideways glances I regarded this as an indication that the relationship was unconsolidated; they were not included in the count. There had to be a clear indication of intimacy, the minimum confirmation being repeated brushing against each other as they walked along.

    I tried my best to be fair, if not too fair; at one point I found myself consciously resisting the temptation to look for WMCF to offset the obvious high score of WFCM. If the couples were recognized they were not counted twice. Hair texture was often a good indicator in ambiguous cases. No regard of age was taken.

    Table 9. Results of Survey 2, The Preference Survey

Month, Duration WMCF (WMNF) WFCM (WFNM) OF OM AM or AF AF AM
May, 120 17 (–) 26 (11) 9
June, 130 21 (6) 30 (11) 7
June, 155 25 (11) 36 (14) 3 3 3 9
June, 80 9 (5) 15 (4) 4 0 6 3
July, 65 8 (3) 24 (10) 0 0 0 2
July, 105 12 (6) 23 (12) 4 1 5 7
July, 105 15 (4) 20 (8) 7 4 5 3
TOTALS 107 (35+) 174 (70) 18+ 8+      

Key to Table 9
Duration Minutes
WMCF White Males with Coloured Females
(WMNF) Number of WMCF which were White Male, Negro Female couples
WFCM White Females with Coloured Males
(WFNM) Number of WFCM which were White Female, Negro Male couples
OF White Males with Oriental Females
OM White Females with Oriental Males
AM or AF Ambiguous male or female
AF A female of ambiguous race, irrespective of the male
AM A male of ambiguous race, irrespective of the female
Date 1993
No count taken
+ Minimum figure, since count incomplete

  1. Increased population.
  2. Greater social uniformity.
  3. Inquisitive questioning. Pretending to be interested in one thing (such as something being sold) to obtain information about another (such as the status and wealth of the seller). (Diversionary Purpose.)
  4. Control of information. Not divulging information until the reason for it being requested is understood and agreed with: ‘Why do you want to know?’
  5. Attribution of equal gravity to something which is said to something which is done.
  6. Correspondences between disparate groups i.e. conspiracies. (The ‘unholy alliance’ already had a name in Dutch: monsterverbond – a monstrous alliance.)
  7. Cultural stagnation, especially recycling former themes in fashion, art and music.
  8. Lack of Secrecy. Compulsive confessions. A Lack of Secrecy obviously increases the cost of sex; for example, it is not possible to have a ‘quick one’ with a female chum without everyone knowing about it and interpreting the association as a statement of partner choice. It also ensures that only one female within a circle can ever be successfully approached. An absence of secrecy quells female fears and insecurity, and the accumulation of these origins may explain why the female abhorrence of secrecy is such a strong one. The interest a female has in acquiring information is proportional to the reticence shown in divulging it. A common manifestation of Lack of Secrecy is large, unobscured windows allowing everyone to see in and out.
  9. Irrational fear (including paranoia about paedophilia and incest).
  10. Use of peripheral vision by males. Reliance on other forms of peripheral communication, such as eavesdropping, for example not speaking directly to an intended audience but directing a comment to another and assuming that the intended audience is listening. (In Amsterdam any conversation in a public place was considered fair game: females would unselfconsciously display their interest and males would also eagerly eavesdrop.) Acknowledging someone’s presence only by regarding them in peripheral vision.
  11. Increased use of and emphasis on signals; female attention-seeking; being conscious of body language; self-conscious movements; males signalling (usually too honestly for their own good). Exaggerated signalling by males in reaction to the knowledge or expectation of being observed.
  12. Increased male neurosis.
  13. Use of non-verbal communications e.g. shush, he-he, tut-tut etc.
  14. Emotional inflections in speech, such as framing every statement in the inflections of a question or pausing between words for effect. Over-emphasis on adjectives.
  15. Increased occurrence of Dispersive Procedures such as false alarms and saying ‘No’ to mundane requests in jest.
  16. Less relationships. Increased value placed on relationships.
  17. Increased male suicide rate, or use of substitutes (such as drugs).
  18. Male psychosis. Sudden and otherwise inexplicable incidences of extreme violence: Spree killers. Serial killers.
  19. Increased perception of and emphasis on physical appearance.
  20. Emphasis on personality rather than ability.
  21. Selective perception. Lack of confidence in objectivity.
  22. Small-mindedness. Females being evangelical about shops, particularly clothes shops. Emphasis on the individual: extrapolating the individual experience to the general case, incapacity to disregard sporadic individual experiences for the general case, and distrust in the conclusions of investigations in the general case. Females reduce everything to the personal. (In illustration, during these investigations any observation or result I reported was invariably interpreted by females as personal to them or the imparter of the information.)
  23. Increased appetence of markers, for example not talking, doing something or otherwise becoming involved with someone unless something is desired of them.
  24. Increased use of tokens. Use of hints by males.
  25. Expression of ego by preference rather than action. Examples are “I like this café, don’t you?,” “What kind of music do you like?” or buying a preferred newspaper or magazine to support it rather than read it (in this case money becomes a token).
  26. Unequal loading of prices so that some items have a disproportionate level of profit. Varying prices according to the identity of the purchaser.
  27. Capriciousness; emotive responses; greater expression of feelings; emotional appeals.
  28. Fluidity of truth. Mendacity, that is, lying; the philosophy that what you believe is the truth, because conviction alone is sufficient.
  29. Rewriting of history.
  30. Lack of integrity in spoken agreements. Dubiety. Responses of “Yes, no” in answer to questions.
  31. Protraction and Postponement and other forms of tergiversation. The origin of this and the breaking of agreements is the female demanding attention, necessitating continuous management of her by the male. It perpetuates the relationship, tests the patience of the male and is attention-seeking. Increased investment in the relationship is demanded.
  32. Inability to Egress, of which the following are manifestations: irresolution; vacillation; inconstancy; love of compromise; retroactive legislation; digging up old feuds; refusing to forgive transgressions or write-off old debts or favours owed. Females are unforgiving because grudges are too useful as weapons to be discarded and forgotten. Avoiding a conclusion one way or the other is also the purpose of Protraction and Postponement. Inability to Egress also takes the form of retentiveness and wanting to recycle everything, regardless of the energy expended by so doing, as when the petrol consumed depositing used bottles in a bottle-bank expends more resources than is recovered from them. (The root cause of environmental damage, which is the supposed impetus for such recycling, is over-population.)

    THE CLEARANCE INSTINCT. Recycling also has the non-trivial effect of displacing the Clearance Instinct, the periodic impulse to purge the remains of old projects or other redundant materials. Clearly this instinct serves to make way for a new cycle of activity but when the instinct is displaced the material which would normally be discarded is not. The Clearance Instinct has been expended instead by taking a collection of newspapers or old bottles for recycling.

  33. Going to extreme lengths to avoid a direct confrontation: a possible expression of this is leaving notes instead of making a direct protest. Expressions of Indirect Invocation such as calling the police over minor domestic disputes.
  34. Efficiency drives. This is an expression of Maximization of Advantage. The female will strive to be efficient, to maximize advantage by minimizing input costs and wastage. In contrast a male in a business environment will be content to make profit in sufficient amount that incidental costs (such as losses incurred in failed projects, or in consumables and refreshments for the workers) can be neglected. The original expression of Maximization of Advantage is stalling until the best or last possible moment before sex (Paragonism and Advancement of Selection). Maximization of Advantage is an essential element in the policy the female employs for her advancement in symbiosis with the male: The female optimally proceeds at just below the threshold at which the male is provoked.
  35. Imprecision. Dutch examples of this were “Helemaal niet of zo” (completely not or so) and use of the diminutive ‘tje’ or ‘je’ applied to everything. Thus “Een bier” (a beer) invariably became “Eentje.” Once while walking a huge brown Newfoundlander a Dutchman described the dog to his young son as “Een hondje” (a little dog). Another example is removing capitalization, which is a loss of information: during the early part of this study the entire Dutch telephone directory was printed in lower case. Most tellingly however, the female exemplar “I don’t like numbers.”
  36. Unscientific and anti-scientific thought. Devaluing masculine standards by adopting its terminology. Anti-science is again feminine in that it imitates orthodox science in its language and form, borrowing terminology from contemporary science in its attempts to appear legitimate. To quote an early essay by M33DJG:

    ‘Modern superstition hunts after the symbols of science. It employs such terms as field, energy, waves, forces, dimensions etc. and pretends to apply a rigorous scientific method in discussing all manner of paraphenomena. Thus is seeks respectability for anti-scientific ideas only by emitting scientific signals... It looks as though what inspires much anti-scientific criticism is merely a kind of envy.’

    Favourite topics of Dutch anti-scientific magazines were outlandish conspiracy theories, brain implants, free energy and perpetual motion machines. Contemporary examples of the adoption of masculine terminology are “research” for reading books, “products” for financial schemes and “consultant” for telephone operator.

  37. Affinity for conspiracy theories. It is virtually impossible to maintain a secret conspiracy among a large number of males due to the inevitability, sooner or later, of one breaking ranks. Conversely there is a natural conspiracy among females which they will project onto their environment.
  38. Derogation of national culture. Examples are disparaging Christianity but never Islam or Judaism-Zionism, or mocking the French or Germans but never Negroes or Arabs. Erosion of national esteem and other forms of devaluing national identity. Fragmentation of States, such as tribal feuds and requests within States for autonomy (the DSoD Theory).
  39. Undermining of authority (applications of the Dynamical Laws). Challenge Signals.
  40. Shamanism (‘caveman religion’); popularity of Earth Mother, New Age and holistic religions; aroma, bead, trinket, astrology, tarot and psychic prediction and healing shops with a predominantly female clientele.
  41. Indulgence in speculation. Fortunately for the female the male has a logical brain and unfortunately for the male the female has an illogical one. Females’ speculative ability is an adaptation for the avoidance of sex. Countless generations of males have been trying to manoeuvre the female into a position where sex could be obtained and she, being illogical, casts her mind around in attempts to foresee a situation in which she might be obliged to provide it. Thus the origin of the female love of speculation is to anticipate and avoid sex.

    On another occasion when walking the Newfoundlander a group of four or five young Dutchwomen rounded a corner. On seeing me with the dog one exclaimed “Oh-oh” in expectation of an approach. Once a woman accused me of deliberately using the dog to procure women; yet another woman asked me if I slept with it. Females will anticipate sex taking place well before the male, and often when no such likelihood exists.

  42. Love of change. Its origin is changing appearance, clothes, etc. to disrupt male targeting strategies.
  43. Rapidity of response to opportunities to increase power.
  44. Rapidity of response to potential personal detriment.
  45. Demands for increased physical safety; unwillingness to take risks; foreseeing problems before they arise; fearing the worst; cowardice. Risk Disencumberment: in a masculine environment provocation generates a response and people have to face the consequences of their actions.
  46. Hypochondria.
  47. Increased selfishness. The origin is that the female is instinctively concerned not only for her own well-being but also for the child she is nurturing or equivalently, the eggs she is carrying.
  48. Greed. There was great deliberation about whether to add selfishness and greed to this list and the latter in particular was not done lightly. A male in a sexual relationship is generally content but the female apparently not so. There is no limit on the number of males she would have in admiration or pursuit of her, because each addition further enhances her power and position. The female appetite in this respect appears to be insatiable.

    LEMMA 2 FOR THEOREM 2. Females are never satisfied.

    DISCUSSION. A formal proof is likely to involve the Satiation/Insatiation Effect and the polygamous character of females as detailed above. The most obvious example of this insatiable nature is marriage: in the UK in 1986 females were three times more likely to sue for divorce than males. Marriage satisfies virtually all feminine instincts yet the modern female is still unlikely to be content with it. The widespread contemporary policy of serial monogamy is advantageous for the female because her confidence and power increases with each successive relationship. Her manipulative skills improve as they are applied each time in a different context.

  49. Unreasonable demands solely to test power. In the female state and way of things such demands usually take the form of stopping things from happening.
  50. Immaturity, notably the ‘What’s in it for me’ mentality; not doing anything for nothing (e.g. having to pay for the use of a lavatory). Using whatever power is available (cf. Maximization of Advantage); whatever can be done, is done.
  51. Delicate egos, particularly, relying on others for one’s self-image. Unfounded arrogance, especially in females. Inability to enter into persiflage, because it is inevitably construed as an insult.

    FALSE ACCUSATIONS. An enlightening example was provided by a process of degeneration regarding stealing, as follows. There was a strong ethos in Holland that one should not steal, but also that one should not accuse a person of stealing without being certain of their guilt. This was on the grounds that a false accusation would increase the likelihood of the accused subsequently stealing, since (in this terminology) they had suffered the cost (the Diminishment of an accusation) but not received the benefit (the material value of the item they were supposed to have stolen), a balance they would later seek to redress by stealing for real in the future. In contrast if something was stolen in England and three people were suspected an accusation might well be made to each just to see how they reacted. Confronting the wrong person also gives the accused an incentive to clear the suspicion hanging over him, and in this way an alternative explanation is often found.

    The Dutch reticence in making an accusation resulted in degeneration. Since an accusation was unlikely to be made without being absolutely certain of the perpetrator, a theft tended to happen whenever an opportunity for stealing arose in which several people would be suspected, because not even be the cost of a shared accusation would be incurred.

    The result was more minor thefts. In Amsterdam it could accurately be said that inviting a group of people back to your house without something going astray, even if it was only a favourite pen or some music tapes, was a major achievement.

  52. Going too far.
  53. Increase in and acceptance of passive criticism. The following is of sufficient import that it stands being reiterated: that the only sure way of not making mistakes is not to do anything.
  54. Increase in and acceptance of passive consumption (e.g. street begging, watching television).
  55. Social segregation of the sexes, for example large groups of females going out together for social outings.
  56. Exaggerated displays of affection between members of the same sex. Increased socially adapted homosexuality, especially female homosexuality.
  57. Prurience. Toilet humour. Confrontations with sanitary towels, e.g. in television advertising.
  58. Sophistry.
  59. Ambivalence; contrariety; hypocrisy and consequent amorality. Doing anything which shows a profit. There is no shortage of examples: anti-sexist women’s group meetings, concern about the environment and willingness to consume, desire to get ‘back to nature’ yet eagerness to exploit modern technological benefits and vegetarians who feed meat to their pets.

    A fundamental contradiction is expressed in Proposition 7: The less likely the male is to respond, the more likely the female is to signal. There is the female empathy with others yet their unreliability regarding appointments. Originally and fundamentally, female empathy and awareness of others yet their failure to satisfy males’ evident sexual needs.

  60. Superficiality, because it is consistent with ambivalence.
  61. Greater awareness of children and animals.
  62. Anthropomorphism.
  63. Extended weekends. Increased incidence of part-time work.
  64. Institutional incompetence.
  65. Apologizing all the time. In Amsterdam ‘Excuse me’ as in ‘Please can I come past’ had been routinely replaced by ‘Sorry,’ which may have been attempts to discharge guilt. Similarly ‘Excuse me, you’ve left something behind’ or ‘Excuse me, you’ve forgotten to pay’ had been routinely replaced by a sternly shouted ‘Hallo!’ This had the result that saying ‘Hallo’ to a neighbour could induce visible nervousness before they realized it was a greeting. These behaviours were trivial but had been taken up so uniformly that their origin was unlikely to be.
  66. Promoting the value of young life and devaluing old life (the masculine instinct is precisely the opposite). Euthanasia was permitted in Holland: in 1996 there were 2,216 official cases and perhaps as many again unofficial ones. Moreover, that it was so and that not all of the latter category were voluntary had reached common knowledge.

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