Magritte, The Six Elements    

Index to TOA

Location of terms and themes in the 1st edition of

The Tyranny of Ambiguity


Terms which were newly or formally defined during the investigations are marked with an asterisk. Footnote references are not explicit if the reference occurs both in the body of the page and in the footnote, or within a page range (e.g. 100-111). The 2nd edition of TOA is provided with an Index.

adolescence     14, 58, 145fn, 161, 278, 429
Affection Beneath, AB*     77, 431, 447, 455, 458, 473
Affectionate Farewells*     114fn, 117, 254, 274, 311, 374, 413, 460, 471
Afghan women     406
age of consent     20, 35, 239
Allport, Alan     187
alternative money systems     475-476
altruism     57-58
Ambiguity     49, 98, 135, 143, 152, 169-170fn, 181, 263, 271, 293, 340, 349, 390, 409, 430, 439, 447
     intolerance of     409, 411
     of Intention, AoI*     169-170fn, 271, 340, 349, 390, 439, 447
     tyranny of     49
amphetamine     5, 294, 297
anthropomorphism     30, 57, 296, 383
Approach –
     Displacement     360-361
          Advanced (Response Displacement)     54, 168fn, 361, 478
     exchange sequences     32, 175, 270
     Statements     20fn, 77, 86, 116, 135, 143, 166, 175, 201
Arab culture     155, 235
Artificial Media Role Models, AMRM’s*     195-196, 293fn
Ask Only Once     268
Atkinson, Rowan     227
atmospherics     79, 184, 227, 274, 327, 367, 370, 373, 400, 418, 451, 454, 470, 475
attention-seeking     24, 161, 165, 307, 377-378, 388, 461
Attraction Confidence*     23-24
babies     41, 191-192, 244, 295, 388, 425, 443, 448, 462, 482
Badinter, Elisabeth     74
Balance of Opposites*     466-467
bar games     204
Bardot, Brigitte     159
Basic Problem     118, 126, 252
battery     198-199
BBC     350
behaviour, abnormal     34, 188, 403, 437-438, 442, 469fn, 471
Behavioural Establishment*     405, 423-424fn
Bentham, Jeremy     149
Berlin     169fn, 438, 440
bevies     155, 258
Big Sister     93, 98-100, 290, 342, 350, 435
bigotry     351
birdsong     136, 428-429
Blind Date (TV)     349
Blue Man     140, 208
boasting     200fn, 401-402
Bonding     31-32, 59, 113, 128, 193, 217-218, 243, 313, 348, 356, 428, 483
     Copulation*     59-60
     curves     217
Brain Sex     9, 217
Breaking*     28, 114, 200fn
     Premature     114fn, 200fn
breast feeding     74
breast size     158
Brighton     335, 436
broodiness     42, 85, 394fn
bureaucracies     255-257, 385
business doing pleasure     134
Bystander Effect     250
cafés     209, 351, 367, 430
Camus, Albert     251
Canadian Tourist     49-51, 76, 164, 329-330, 409-410
cannabis see marijuana
car alarms     251, 295, 402fn
caretaking/protective instincts     77, 97, 112, 136, 156-157, 295, 308, 345-346, 369, 404fn, 431, 440
cat voice     49, 107, 371
cats     30-31, 33, 81, 92, 106, 192-193, 198, 295-296, 301-302, 330, 479
Celestial Waiting List, CWL     37, 184, 356
Chicken or Egg Argument     187
Children –
     abuse of     83-84, 153, 239, 337, 395, 468
     substitutes for     30, 198, 290, 367
     use of     63, 231-232, 337
chimpanzee experiment     109-110, 416
Choose Coloured (Kies Kleurig)     448-449
chromosomes     39, 41
civilization, fragility of     350
Clearance Instinct*     378-379
     displacement of     378
CLUB1 (lesbian)     233-234
CLUB2 (brothel)     402
Cocoon Effect*     367
coffeeshops     81, 160, 224fn, 257, 430
complaints     20, 145fn, 388, 394fn, 404fn
conditioning     39, 41, 59, 113, 130fn, 187, 214, 302, 305, 312, 468
condom use     41, 47-48, 64, 241-242, 425
conformism see also Female uniformity     189, 195-196, 200fn, 350, 416, 430, 433, 481, 486
     matriarchal     423
     public     320fn, 412fn, 444
     relationship     36fn, 143, 218, 412fn, 467, 473
contraception     290, 386, 425
Control Dynamics     42
Coolidge Effect     36, 111
Copenhagen     416
corpus callosum     119, 207
Costs and Benefits –
     Displacement of Cost     21, 26, 290, 420
     in MESS     9, 24-25, 60-63, 289
     of Distress State     246
     of experiments     63, 65
     of false accusations     382, 411
     of sex     34, 38, 60-63, 118-119, 135, 193, 220, 244-245, 345, 374, 376, 406, 418, 425, 428, 483-484
          displacement of     483
     of stealing     167
     of tourists     180, 210, 212
Cunningham, Michael     77, 86-87
CV’s     337, 485
Cycle of Reinforcement     8-9, 99, 119, 197, 284, 290, 385, 478, 481
darkrooms     233
Darwin, Charles     145fn, 151fn, 460fn
dating agencies     10, 76, 116, 349
Dawkins, Richard     187, 289
Death Urge see Thanatos
Debasement*     453fn, 467
denial     135, 162, 241-242, 470
Diagnostical Statistical Manual, DSM     163fn
Diamond, Milton     40
Dice Game     395-396
     Inverted Transmission of, IToD     55, 145, 153
     of Self     60-61, 279
Disclosure*     95, 428, 467
     Advanced (Debasement)     453fn, 467
Dishonest Submergence of Difference, DSoD see Theorem 3
displacement     56fn, 168, 480
Distress State     246, 251fn
distributions, male and female     188-190, 195
Distribution of Guilt*     25-26, 164
Diversionary Purpose*     58, 256fn, 334fn, 373, 376
divorce     381, 392
Divulgence and Referral, D&R*     75, 277, 283, 288-289, 320, 340
Do you have a light?, DYHAL?     115-117, 263-264, 291
domestic pets     26, 30-31, 81, 92, 198, 290, 295-296, 301-302, 329-331, 363, 469-470
Dominance by Divergence     170
Dörner, Gunter     39
Double Reinforcement of Female Characteristics, DRoFC*     455, 460-462, 474
dreaming     223-224fn, 484
drug addiction     20-21, 59, 197-198, 222, 309, 336, 363, 462, 483
Dubious Statement of Unavailability, DSoU*     51-52, 54, 409
Dutch charities     255-256fn, 385
Dutch Foundation for Sexual Reform, NVSH     238-239
Dutch parties     22, 471
Dynamic System     41, 257
Dynamical Laws of Female Behaviour see Theorem 1
Easy Come, Easy Go     60, 116
eavesdropping     181, 301, 312, 376, 440
efficiency drives     379
Egos –
     alter     37, 58-59
     delicate     382, 453
     exaggerated     27, 82, 210, 227, 258, 369, 431, 453
     female     24, 26, 46, 71, 83, 195, 242, 258, 377, 414, 444
     first rate     273
     male     26, 116, 134, 242, 308-309, 313, 364fn
Eloquence Advantage     255, 292
Emotional Fascism*     299, 302
Empathy, Acute     207
Emphasizer     52-53
employment agencies (uitzendburos)     385
     of Self     61
     Proclamation of, PoE     142, 145, 166, 394fn
          Inverted, IPoE     145, 394fn, 404fn
Essential Sex Differences, ESD     191-192, 241, 445fn, 478
euthanasia     384
Evolutionarily Stable Strategies, ESS     8-9, 24-25, 39, 42, 80, 130, 135, 241, 289-290, 308, 347
evolutionary damage     479
Exaggerated Behaviour In Alien Culture, EBIAC*     155
Exaggerated Behaviour In Alien Role, EBIAR*     178, 216, 227, 315fn, 423, 434
Exercises for Advanced Students     361
Expediency versus Justice     278
Experiment 0, Meetings     11-12, 52, 64, 289
Experiment 1, Sit and Wait     15-19, 27, 56, 64, 89, 110, 193
Experiment 2, Random Approaches     28-33, 43, 64, 71
Experiment 3, Condom Experiment     64-71
Experiment 4, Coffee     104-108, 122-132, 179
Experiment 5, Mindfuck     397-417
experiments, prospective     175, 268
exultation     308, 469, 475
Fall     246-249, 251, 485
false accusations     382, 411
False Memory Syndrome     453fn, 467
fatiguing (of neurones)     187
Fear –
     irrational     152, 340, 347, 376, 380-381, 411
     of Approach     471
     paranoia     109, 180-181, 185-186, 194, 271, 284, 288, 376, 478
     reinforcing cycle     478
Female –
     ambivalence & contrariety     91, 224fn, 383, 447
     apologies     384
     attractiveness     19, 45, 56fn, 67, 77, 87, 100, 115, 128, 210, 233, 240, 285, 298, 343, 392, 447
     conspiracy mechanisms     161-162, 397, 399
     delinquent     200, 402
     derision of males     117, 366
     Dishonest Submersion of Large Differences, DFSoLD     432-434
     dishonesty     241-243, 330, 334fn
     domains     44, 96, 100, 191-192, 241, 265, 271, 419, 445fn, 478
     elder     18, 253, 258, 363, 392, 423fn, 440
     emotional pulse     43, 245
     Enhanced Perception of Small Differences, EFPoSD     432-434
     fatness     198, 348, 363
     Fundamental Neurosis (Second Switch)     300-301, 344
     grasp on reality     195, 350, 389
     immaturity     243-244, 319, 382, 468
     Inability to Egress     378, 457, 471
     inferiority     243-245, 269
     influence     14fn, 169, 239, 244-245, 254, 260, 272, 351, 360, 363, 372-384, 386, 424, 441, 471, 479
          femination     12, 247fn, 288fn, 372-373, 434
          feminization     102, 195, 247fn, 254, 288, 346, 372-373, 458, 460, 475
          Feminization of Society     385-386
     Last Ditch Strategy, FLDS     18
     longevity     348, 363
     love of eavesdropping     301, 376
     love of telephone     241, 265, 307
     mechanisms, origin     135, 330, 373, 433, 467
     obfuscation     57, 293fn
     optimally proceeds     379
     perception of single males     298, 366
     plumbers (North London)     332
     posture (sympathetic response)     82-83
     preference for alien males     410fn, 447, 458, 462, 480
     preferred occupations     385
     pregnancy     34, 42, 62, 80, 84, 145fn, 189, 195, 241, 243, 299, 363, 428, 433, 481
     problems     127, 218, 301, 343
     rapidity of response     33, 302, 373, 381
     response instincts     368
     self-subjugation     56, 98, 154, 448, 457
     Types     304-313, 457fn
          Able Woman, AW     304-305, 310, 312-313
          Bad Girls     184, 306-307, 311
          Base and Spoiled Female, BSF     200fn, 307fn, 387-390, 424
          Bimbos     306, 313, 453, 476
          Bitches     48, 80, 117, 121, 178, 205-206, 306, 349, 397
          Defective Female, DF     94fn, 306-307, 312-313, 330fn, 388
          Lady     156-158, 307
          Liability Girl, LG     307, 312-313
          Personality Girl, PG     210-212, 218, 242, 308, 312-313
          Scatterbrained Female, SF     307-309, 311-313
          Thug Woman, TW     309, 358fn
          Unstable Female, UF     227, 262fn, 307, 309-313, 421fn, 455, 468, 484
     typical quotes     400
     terrorism     420-421fn
     testing     92, 135, 154, 346-347, 356, 382, 414, 440-441
     torture by     406
     underwear     129-130, 207
     uniformity     119, 195, 350, 376, 442
     unlimited appetite     231, 381, 470
Females –
     F2-3D, Dutch     144
     F8E, English     84
     F12DSD, dark-skinned discarder     236, 266
     F12E, English     75
     F14ED, English dead     111
     F14HIC, half-Indonesian countess     439, 453, 472
     F14HN, half-Negro     281-282, 288
     F15AG, Amsterdam girl     174, 180-181
     F15DMF, Dutch mutual friend     394, 472
     F15DSKI, Dutch Silent Kalverstraat Incident     339
     F15-16D, Dutch     289
     F16DD, Dutch dimples     356, 364
     F16DGS, Dutch gymnasium schoolgirl (TVV)     28-29
     F16E, English     75
     F16HF, half-Finnish, half-Dutch     466-467
     F16TJ, tram jumper     93, 124
     F18LMM, Little Miss Mindfuck     466-467
     F18PM, Parisian model     431
     F19DAG, Danish abused girl     83, 395
     F19DUG, Dutch ugly girl in BIGBAR3     182-183
     F19HF, half-French, half-Dutch     394, 398-399, 406
     F19PAFT, part-Asian former template     270
     F20DNT, Dutch nice-type     90-91
     F20DPL, Dutch playful look in CS3 (Trading Up)     106, 121
     F20EBB, English blonde bombshell     97, 262, 310, 361
     F21DAOM, Dutch adored by older male in BIGBAR3     44, 115, 133
     F21DBI, Dutch Bitch interviewed     80, 121, 397
     F21DF, Dutch flimsy     364
     F21DSG, Dutch squat girl     53, 291-292
     F21DTBT, Dutch tight black trousers     436
     F21DTT, Dutch typically transductive in CS3     442
     F21HS, half-Surinamese at CS2     57, 71, 97
     F21US1, American     198fn, 440, 445
     F21US2, American     442, 445
     F22D, Dutch at CS2     81-83, 114, 274-280, 311, 340, 345-346, 359-360, 365, 440
     F22DAF, Dutch angel face     354-358, 363
     F24DBWK, Dutch Bitch with Klingon     266-267
     F24DMH, Dutch with Moroccan husband     421-422, 430, 449
     F24DMS, Dutch medical student     86, 95, 286
     F25D1-5, Dutch females 1-5 in BAR6     17, 316-324
     F25DG1P, Dutch grade 1 peepers in BIGBAR3     115, 117, 126, 285, 320
     F25F, French     449
     F25G, German     298-300, 302-303, 315, 329, 344, 356, 367, 393-394
     F25HNJP, half-Negro Jewish prostitute     85, 91, 226, 281, 402, 420-421, 423
     F25J, Jewess     12, 63, 193, 207, 219, 255, 258, 484
     F27DWE, Dutch well-endowed at CS2     83, 185fn, 226, 340
     F27FB, Finnish blonde     232
     F28DEE, Dutch exaggerated ego at CS2      27
     F28HJ, half-Jewish, half-Dutch     47, 74, 224, 230, 310, 364fn, 462
     F29EWB, English wanted baby     85
     F30D, Dutch     45-47, 64, 159, 228, 365fn
     F30DAC, Dutch artistic couple     370
     F31DCST, Dutch coffeeshop talkative at CS2     181
     F31US, American     85-86, 117, 214, 233-234, 247, 344
     F33SIRP, half-Scottish, half-Italian real professional     211
     F35I, Irish     226, 273, 309, 331, 334, 459, 477
     F36E, English     74-75, 78, 83-84, 196, 234, 331-332, 369-370
     F37ER, English retiring     74-75, 234, 332
     F38PP, Polish prostitute     16, 45, 133, 421fn
     F45A, Argentinian     133
     F60GG, German grandmother     441
feminism     64, 102, 244
Finnish Tourists     53-55
First Move     54-55fn, 68, 143, 478
Following* (of a Negro)     449fn
frustration     46, 82, 149, 234, 292, 335, 341, 356, 368, 411, 414
fulcra     481-482, 484
genital piercings     4, 74
genital size     4, 134
Gordon, Guy     231
gorillas     15
Guilt –
     as cost     167, 246
     by association     374
     Distribution of     25-26, 164
     false     35, 92, 119, 255, 343, 456, 473
     for colonial sins     457
     in child abuse     84
     in children      468
     in females     384, 474, 479
     in rape     119-120
     involving pets     296
Handles*     260-266
     lending     187, 264, 266
     mutation to marker     75, 124, 139-140fn, 265-266, 440, 467
     mutation to signal     265
     naming     264-265
     States     264, 365fn
     weakening     365fn, 451fn, 457
Happy Shoppers     101, 180
hate crimes, fake     343fn
heart attacks     246-250
Helper Syndrome     256
heroin     10, 96, 98, 197-198, 222, 336, 421
Hill, Benny     271
hints see Tokens
homosexuality     39-41, 84, 114, 161, 239, 272, 366, 383, 408, 428, 432-433, 463, 483
Hormone Replacement Therapy, HRT     127, 175
Hull     335-337, 425-427, 483
humour, role of     169, 239, 305, 413
hunting     32, 44, 89-90, 96, 98fn, 110, 126-127, 143-144, 181, 201, 436
hypocrisy     383, 448
IBM     231
ibogaine     222
Ice Man     370
imitation     156, 210, 311, 374, 379, 445fn, 461, 485
immigration     229, 303, 415, 440fn, 443, 447-449, 454-456, 459-465, 474-477, 482-483
inconstancy     257, 373, 378, 422
Indirect Invocation     379, 403-404
Induction* see also Transduction     438-439
     of Neurosis     163-165, 169, 175, 221, 267, 290, 293, 302, 306, 341, 354, 409
     of Psychosis     283, 397, 401
Indulgence of Romance, IoR*     38, 42, 116, 161-162, 263, 278, 357, 389, 442, 456, 463
     antithesis of     116, 201, 239, 260, 272, 278-279, 286
     maximal     38, 61fn, 162, 344, 348, 367, 399
Instinct     25
     displacement of     26, 35
     invalidity of     35, 119-120, 299-300, 302, 425, 428
     Park     252-253
Institute of Psychiatry, London     78
Institutional incompetence     383, 485
intelligence quotient, IQ     188, 245fn
intentions     148, 173, 271, 308
Intolerance of Opposites     435
Jessel, David     9
Jews     85, 226, 310fn, 343fn, 421fn, 446fn, 472
juvenile crime     335-336, 350
Keys –
     as meme     187
     unwritten rules in lending     312
Lack of Secrecy     8, 100, 376, 443, 481
lap dancing     407fn
leaving behaviour see also Affectionate Farewells     24, 46, 100, 114fn, 442
Leidseplein     16, 49, 420
lesbians see also homosexuality     234, 309, 332fn, 447
Limit Corollary see Theorem 1
Little Johnnie’s Law, LJL     416, 485
Local Form see also Tokens, local     45-46, 104, 118, 400, 444
lock-ins     62, 230-231, 241, 336, 385, 421
London Squats     84, 329, 331-333
Love see Paragonism
     I love you     168
     types of     59fn
Loved One 1, LO1     67-71, 77, 79, 86, 181, 225-226, 249, 367, 397-399, 415-417, 470
Male –
     Actual Submersion of Small Differences, AMSoSD     432
     adolescent     14, 58, 278
     Big Sister     350
     breeding competition     9, 189, 199-200, 374, 463, 482-484
     conditioning phase     39-41
     desire to control     26, 33, 42, 242, 273, 364, 392
     dishonesty     113, 279, 298, 320, 330
     displacement     356
     Extremely Honest Strategy, MEHS     36, 68, 70, 78, 116, 330
     influence     23, 150, 190, 194, 233, 266, 274, 335, 381
          masculination     372-373
          masculinization     39-40, 242, 373, 455
          Super Masculine State     434-435, 467
     Inordinate Amplification of Large Differences, IMAoLD     432-433
     posture (competitive response)     82-83
     pushing prams     101, 112, 178, 230, 416, 459
     Priority     319-320
     targeting templates     31, 58-59, 78, 112-113, 128, 138-139, 143, 164, 356, 466-467
     Types –
          alpha-     189, 456
          genetic martyrs     188-189, 199
          Gentleman     156, 307
          Klingon     267, 342
          Jerk     306
          Otaku     26-27, 56fn
          serial and spree killers     373, 377, 410-411, 471
          society changers     188-189
          stereotypes     40, 373
Males –
     M16HC, half-Chilean     454, 472-473
     M16QI, quarter-Indonesian     472-473
     M18DHD, Dutch hippy dude     450-451, 454
     M20E, English     271-272, 310
     M21QIMS, quarter-Indonesian medical student     99, 283-285, 307, 353, 358
     M22NLD, normal-looking Dutchman     452-453
     M25D, Dutch     123, 224, 452
     M26D, Dutch     26, 224, 232, 422
     M27HERM, half-English radio maker     123, 295, 424fn, 430fn, 485
     M28DG, Dutch grower     21, 185fn, 212-213, 224, 237, 257, 298, 314-317, 320-321, 337, 364, 452-453, 465
     M28DIW, Dutch intelligent wasted     21, 82, 114, 132, 231, 274-277, 296, 346-347, 422, 463fn
     M28DLTS, Dutch lives to smoke     132-133, 185fn, 224, 237-238, 367, 449-450fn, 453, 462-463, 466-467
     M28DSW, Dutch skunk worker     23, 185, 190, 222, 225, 231, 296, 355
     M28FY, Fellow Yorkshireman     183, 225, 229fn, 358fn, 416-417
     M30DAC, Dutch artistic couple     370, 461
     M30DDW, Dutch death warrant     210
     M30ERP, English record producer     224, 273
     M30ESOP, English sudden onset of paranoia     185
     M31DS, Dutch squatter     4-6, 22-23, 25, 27, 45, 47, 247, 249, 298, 474-475
     M32DHCH, Dutch hopeless case homosexual     84-85
     M33DJG, Dutch with Japanese girlfriend     122, 279, 317, 379, 443fn
     M33DME, Dutch mildly erratic     322, 324, 358fn, 463fn
     M34EEI, energetic English-Irish     26, 30, 121-122, 128, 167, 286, 288, 364, 415, 463, 484
     M34HISW, half-Indonesian skunk worker     222, 250
     M36SEM, Scottish-English musician     118, 273, 331-333, 461
     M38AS, Australian squatter     370
     M39SHN, Scottish homosexual male nurse     75, 271-273, 309-310, 335
     M45DE, Dutch employer     95, 157
     M48D, Dutch     359-360
     M53I, Irish     70, 85, 96, 149, 355, 370, 466, 481, 484-485
Malign Encouragement Strategy, MES*     446
marijuana     49, 132, 185-186, 197-198, 222-224, 256-257, 336, 386, 394, 443, 465, 483-484
Markers*     260-266
     Appetent, Inappetent     262
     Consolidation     320fn, 412fn
     graffiti as     261
     indiscriminate distribution of     358
     obliteration of     261
     primordial     261
     transforming     262-263, 366, 467
     weakening of     264-265, 320fn, 365fn-366, 412fn, 418, 451fn, 457
market researcher     334
Marking Man     261, 286
marriage     264, 349, 381
masturbation     47, 278, 406, 415fn
matriarchy     292, 363-364, 369, 423-425
Maximization of Advantage     368, 379, 382, 470-471
Mead, Margaret     305
Mean Time Before Fuck, MTBF     46, 72, 147
memes     187, 189, 244, 289-290
menstrual synchronization     347-348
Milgram Experiment     109
Mindfuck (Mental Assault)* see also Experiment 5     408, 410, 414-415, 455-456, 464-467, 469, 471, 474
miscegenation     253, 375, 410fn, 415, 455-456, 464-466, 469, 471, 474
mistakes     18, 46, 152, 173, 402, 434, 479
mistargets     91, 105, 147-148, 174, 213, 283
Mixed Evolutionarily Stable Strategies, MESS see Evolutionarily Stable Strategies
Moir, Anne     9
monogamy     37, 58, 81, 114, 121, 128, 140, 193, 271, 302, 348, 382, 399, 417, 467, 482
mothers and daughters     178, 421
Multiplex Case     139
music business     58, 428-429
Muslims     230, 465
name games     204, 364, 388
Nature versus Nurture     187
Nazism, anti-nazism     328, 343fn, 421fn, 434-435
Negroes     449, 460-462, 464-465, 474
Neurosis*     163-170
     acute     153, 168-169, 200fn, 291, 396
     distribution of     167, 358
     Fundamental Female (Second Switch)     300-301, 344
     Fundamental Human     164
     intensification of     165, 413, 444
     reflection of     104, 169, 193-194, 221, 291
     reinforcing cycle     274, 343
     societal     164, 168-169, 215, 288, 291, 359, 440fn, 484
     source     164-165, 169, 221, 267, 290, 293, 341, 354, 409
Neurotic Incident     353-358, 360, 362
Neurotic Suspension*     56, 250-251, 285, 291
niceness     37, 51, 65, 78, 200fn, 367, 387
No Follow Rule     46, 93, 100, 104
non-targets     97-98, 129, 131, 206, 277
normality     188, 266, 438fn, 470
Normalizations     131, 148, 268
obfuscation     57, 150, 153, 168fn, 219fn, 243, 293fn, 311, 474
orang-utans     240
Our Cosy Circle, OCC*     183-184, 349, 441, 470
over-population     169, 337, 378, 424-426, 467
Pair 0 English, P0     110-111, 216
Pair 1 Dutch, P1     129, 132, 176, 183, 220
Pair 2 German, P2     207-208, 218, 220
Pair 3 Australian, P3     210-212, 218, 220, 241
Pair 4 Dutch, P4     174, 213-214, 216-217, 219-220, 265, 279, 286, 293, 297, 301-302, 330fn, 356, 362
Pair 5 English, P5     329-330, 335
Pair 6 Mindfuck subjects 31,32     411-413
Pairs     105, 131-132, 216-220, 311
Paragonism*     59, 379
     Adaptive     59, 113
     defined by tribe     389
     Inherent     59, 113
     Remote     305, 431
Parkinson’s Law     41
paternal instinct     425
Paths of Resistance     25, 34, 191, 348
patriarchy     170, 423-424
Pavlov, Ivan     163
Peer Group Loading, PGL*     194-195, 401
peripheral vision     17-18, 23, 43, 79, 82, 94, 137, 159, 161, 221, 255, 288, 318, 368, 376, 415, 460
Perper, Timothy     76, 83, 86-87
Phenomenon of Like Pairing     77
pick-up lines see Approach Statements
police     14fn, 20, 195, 216-217fn, 344, 359, 379, 409, 423, 425, 443fn-444, 450, 471fn, 485
political correctness     413
polygamy     51, 58, 121, 193, 241, 311, 313, 348, 381, 417
pornography     13, 38, 403
pre-menstrual syndrome, PMS     347
Primary Subject     8-10, 16
priorities     25, 319-320
Procedures*     343fn, 421fn, 451fn, 467
     Dispersive     293, 377
projection*     57, 380, 466
     female to male     56, 58, 164, 262, 292fn, 299, 349, 406, 411, 478
     male to female     58, 66, 128, 278
proposals*     60, 267, 367, 397fn, 440
     direct/indirect     32-33, 145, 194
     propositions     32, 64, 258, 279, 291
Proposition 1, Naked Masculinity     12, 14, 200fn, 402
Proposition 2, Status of Female     24, 117, 389, 457
Proposition 3, Displacement of Instincts     26
Proposition 4, M/F Instincts re. Costs of Sex     60
Proposition 5, Resistive/Selective     128
Proposition 6, Primary Activity of Female     191
Proposition 7, Likelihood of Female Signal     273, 374, 383
Proposition 8, Any Argument     406, 457, 459fn
Proposition 9, Care of Animals     417
prospective fixes     253, 385, 391, 442, 471fn, 478-479
prostitution     45, 244-245, 255, 291, 344, 402-403, 420, 482-483
Protocol and Notation     10-11
Protraction and Postponement, P&P     158, 378
psycho-darlings, PDF15,17     395-397, 453fn
psychological crutches     16
Psychology –
     disputes     130fn, 189, 198
     experiments     20fn, 77-78, 108-109, 350
     practitioners     449, 474
psychosis see also Induction     163fn, 223, 377, 453, 462, 480
Queen’s Day     358-360, 451, 453-454
rape     35, 80, 84-86, 92, 119-120, 210-211, 244, 258, 343-345, 401, 427-428, 453fn, 479
reason to live     176-177
rebellion     364, 443, 480-481
Red Indians     406
Red Light District     249, 403, 420, 465, 468
redundancy     85, 122, 279
Reidentification Syndrome*     195fn, 397fn
reinforcement see also under Cycle of and Double     47, 197, 233, 286, 341, 348, 429
Rejections     60, 473
     of females     50, 116-117, 221, 264, 412
     of males     55, 117, 131, 152, 165, 170fn, 217, 242, 353, 439, 445, 447
          reaction to     32, 55, 145fn, 153, 173, 181, 199, 218, 354, 357, 402, 420, 440
          Vicarious     440-441
Relationships –
     aberrant, cop-out     168, 473
     basic transaction     191, 341-342
     complicatedness of multiple     131
     Inception Sequence, RIS     218, 233, 473
     relational initiatives     93-94fn, 216, 305, 312-313, 315fn
     status     123, 133
     value of     235, 464
religion     164, 187, 198, 431, 462
Resolvement     101, 111, 163, 193, 197, 233, 258fn, 278, 345, 471, 484
     of guilt in childhood     296, 468
     of neurosis     165, 167, 291, 293, 354-356
Response (Advanced Approach) Displacement*     54, 168fn, 361, 478
Right Here In My Own Bed, RHIMOB     301
Risk Disencumberment*     256-257, 381
Robinson, Tom     351
Rules –
     of Engagement     216-217
     written and unwritten     220, 265, 309, 312, 332
Satiation/Insatiation Effect     38, 74, 197, 373, 381
Scandinavia     67fn, 397, 416, 424fn, 470
Science of Sexual Attraction (TV)     76-78
Science     10, 58, 86-87, 170, 207, 260, 379-380, 385, 479, 482
     anti-science     379, 462
     scientific method     10, 170, 380, 482
Second Switch* see Neurosis, Fundamental Female
Second World War     328, 407
selfishness     20-21, 244, 268, 296, 370, 381, 388, 468, 480
Sex –
     as evolution strategy     34, 170
     benefits of     60-61, 266, 336, 342, 394, 453
     Business Meeting, SBM     12-13, 45
     differences     8-9, 39, 188-199, 207, 217, 294
     problems     86, 153, 199, 218, 301
     ratings of     13
     safe means less     41-42
     substitutes     27, 30, 132, 192, 197-198, 207, 290, 296, 336-337, 350, 363, 468
     with female friends     95
sexual selection     9-10, 189, 199-200, 269, 346, 374, 379, 386, 390, 463, 482-484
Shaw, George Bernard     343
shop dives     96, 175, 215, 339
     above speech     135, 161, 291, 364
     as fashion     142, 156
     Basic     151
     Discriminate     150-151
     distraction of     436-437
     Dysfunctional     83, 114, 150-151, 153, 165, 211fn, 291, 395
     Erroneous     83, 150-153, 291, 311
     False     150, 152-153, 291
          Basic False     152
     Fast Walking     123, 283-284
     fundamental ambivalence of     411
     Honest     126, 128, 150-153, 162, 287, 354
     Indiscriminate     151, 156-158, 160, 284, 358
     I’m nice     367
     integrity of     167, 463
     most common     159
     Negro     461
     Open Door     166-167
     origin     135
     rapidity of response     118, 178
     smile, compulsive     373
     smile, interpretations of     150
     telepathic     285-286, 288
Signals Day     136-148
Signals List     153-162
     Accident     135-136, 153, 190
     Assent     153-154, 285-286
     Blanch     17, 19, 101, 153, 156
     Body Pout     79, 153, 158, 202
     Brightening     81, 154, 161
     Challenge     123, 154, 284-285, 293fn, 380, 421fn, 457, 464
     Click     148fn, 154, 400
     Collision     48, 154-155, 162, 272, 461
     Direct Look     155-157, 273
     Double Blink     156
     Empty Glass     115, 156
     Exaggerated Laughter     112, 156, 329
     Fertile     80, 140, 156, 284-285
     Foot Stamp     105, 111, 124, 156
     Freezing In Place     156
     Grimace Response     159, 169fn, 340
     Incidental Noise     157, 221
     Incidental Touching     76, 83, 112, 157
     Jostle     157, 162
     Juvenile     19, 158
     Lingering     43, 56fn, 114fn, 158
     Looking Back     158
     Looking Flustered     17, 50, 135, 158, 232, 341, 441fn
     Looking Sad     138, 158
     Looking Through     158-159
     Loose Woman     159
     Loud Verbal Utterance     156, 159, 317, 461
     Not Saying Goodbye     46, 159
     Observation Acknowledge     153, 156, 158-161
     Open Legs     23, 53, 98fn, 152fn, 159, 306, 395
     Overcome     160
     Peripheral Comment     27, 160, 461
     Playful Abandon     53, 160, 358
     Pleasure     160, 253
     Preening     160
     Rapid Look Away     156, 160
     Reaching Over     161, 437-438fn
     Short Steps     161
     Spitting     161
     Tongue     136, 161
     Wave of Hair     105, 161
     Wide Eye     161, 213, 460
Silent Kalverstraat Incident     339-340
Singles’ Bars     76, 78, 87, 258, 287
Sitting Apart*     365
Smith, John Maynard     8, 34, 289
South Africa (EBIAC)     155
speculation     99, 228, 254, 380, 400, 483
spiders     106, 120
Spite and Jealousy, S&J     323-324, 349, 416
Spoiling*     310-311, 365fn, 389, 444, 461
     Primordial     311
squat folklore     6, 22, 25-26, 224, 232, 259, 331, 358fn
Squat Radio     176, 210
Statement of Unavailability see under Dubious
Stonewalling     240, 364, 390, 471
Story of ‘O,’ The     78
Strategies     9, 33-34, 118
     animal     33, 152
     Competition     9, 23, 83, 97, 170, 197, 267, 289-290, 318fn, 429, 433, 435fn, 446fn, 457, 462, 482
     Conspiracy     38, 127-128, 243, 256, 376, 397, 406, 435fn, 446fn
          mechanisms     161, 397, 444
     Doing What Worked Last Time, DWWLT     351
     Doing Whatever It Takes, DWIT     34, 59, 235, 243
     Female     37, 119, 162, 190, 193, 222, 230, 245, 295, 356, 361, 425, 428
          Female Last Ditch, FLDS     18
     Look After Number 1, LAN1     33, 370
     Male     35-36, 51, 143, 145, 193, 225, 267, 347, 413
          Male Extremely Honest, MEHS     36, 68, 78, 116, 330
     Malign Encouragement, MES*     446
     Reverse     46, 250fn-251fn, 269
     stable     9, 34, 39, 42, 80, 119, 130, 135, 170, 241, 289, 308
     Tit For Tat, TFT     33, 184, 242-243, 262, 279, 398, 413, 422, 460
          Generous Tit For Tat, GTFT     33-34, 262, 279, 413-414
          Tit For Tat/Take Back*     310, 399
          What’s In It For Me (Tit For Tat)     243, 382
Subconscious     46, 67, 153, 292fn
     drives     42, 58, 86, 241, 258, 291, 306, 364, 388, 406, 457
     knowledge     115, 181, 210, 287, 341, 349, 456
sublimation     198, 267, 455, 461-462, 464
suffragettes     244
suicide     130, 273, 377, 397, 471
Super Feminine State     354, 367, 434-435fn
Super Masculine State     434-435
Surrogate Males, Females     193
Survey 1, the Pram Survey     111-112, 202, 208, 229-230, 253, 255
Survey 2, the Preference Survey     375, 455
Survey 3, the Race Survey     472, 476, 481
Synchronization     76, 87, 150, 258, 287, 348, 374, 485
     menstrual     347-348
T7/F20     105-106, 143
Tear Day     178-179
Telephone –
     numbers     32, 166, 225, 274, 279, 334, 337, 343, 420, 444
     relations     13, 26-27, 56fn, 176, 218, 241, 265, 307, 336-337, 388, 422, 427, 438
Television Vision, TVV*     29, 166, 283
Tell Don’t Ask     148, 175
Template*     31, 58, 76, 78, 139, 356
     Active     128
     Primary     59, 112-113, 213, 466
     problem     128, 138, 467
     Set     59, 112-113
tergiversation     158, 378, 484
testosterone     14, 39-41, 79, 102, 189, 312, 386fn
Thanatos (Death Urge)     130-131, 194, 276
theft     98, 167, 183, 203, 308, 347, 350, 382-383, 411, 427, 437fn, 477
Theorem 1, Dynamical Laws     127, 342, 345, 380, 462
     Limit Corollary     345
Theorem 2, Standard of Living     42, 348, 381, 389-391
Theorem 3, DSoD     233, 380, 415, 432, 434, 458
Theorem 4, SM and SF States     434-435
Things Said     100, 376
Tokens*     75, 260-266
     hints     121, 146fn, 204, 272, 312, 321-322, 377, 482
     local     56, 263-264
     for sex     114fn, 263, 279, 366
     money as     266, 378
     tokenism     56, 263, 441, 485
Trading Up     121-122
traditional roles     242, 392
train driver see also Instinct, invalidity of     35, 119
Transduction*     103, 114fn, 177, 182, 255, 274, 438-440, 442, 469, 473
     Creative     92, 343, 456
     duty to transduce     442
     Positive     275
     responses to     220, 439, 471, 480
     Typical     439, 442
transsexuals     199, 333-334
trends     273, 425, 429, 447, 476
Trial see also Female testing     347, 349, 467
tricks     20-21, 57, 279, 310, 320, 364, 406, 410, 422, 473
Trophies     24, 61, 63, 127, 169fn, 253, 297, 320, 349, 415, 447-448
truncated speech     340
Turner’s Syndrome     41, 190, 312
Ugly Girl Incident     182-183
Unconditional Copulation Contract, UCC     249
unholy alliances     38, 376, 406
unwritten rules see Rules
Value of Difference     9, 170, 295
Vicarious Generosity*     231, 457, 460fn
Vicarious Rejection*     440-441
virgins     147
Watzlawick, Paul     256fn
weekends     383, 430-431
Wilful Defiance     231, 469
Wilson, Glenn     13fn, 78, 80, 85, 120, 188, 194fn, 240, 269, 300
women’s magazines     338, 357, 419
word puzzles     338, 434
Workman Hunter     142-143
Worry Level     233

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