- Laying of hands on a pram TICK ___ 25 shekels
- Pushing a pram in public TICK ___ 100 shekels
- Changing a nappy TICK ___ 250 shekels
- Pushing a pram in a town centre, in full view of everyone TICK ___ 500 shekels
- Being one of two or more men together, each pushing a pram TICK ___ 1,000 shekels
- Hanging a baby from a breastless chest TICK ___ 1,000 shekels
- Pushing a pram and stopping intermittently to slobber over its contents TICK ___ 2,500 shekels
- Pushing a pram while your woman walks alongside eyeing up other men TICK ___ 5,000 shekels
- Pushing a pram while your woman walks alongside ogling other men, stopping intermittently to slobber over its contents TICK ___ 10,000 shekels
- Attempting to breast-feed the contents of the pram TICK ___ 25,000 shekels